Tämän jälkeen meillä oli noin tunti vapaata aikaa ja minä, Marianne, Jouko ja Susanna suuntasimme lahjatavarakauppoihin ostamaan vielä viimeisiä tuliaisia Suomeen vietäväksi. Ja kyllä sitä rahaa taas kului vähän muuhunkin kuin tuliaisiin! Miten ikinä saisin kaikki tavarani mahtumaan matkalaukkuun! Kävimme myös koulun viereisessä kahvilassa, jossa vietimme monet ruokatunnit, hakemassa viimeiset minttujäätelöt ja palasimme koululle, jossa meidän piti kokoontua.
Koululta lähdimme kävelemään kaupingintalolle, jossa meitä ottaisi vastaan Leónin opetustoimen edustaja. Hän oli kovin pahoillaan, että pääsimme tulemaan vasta viimeisenä päivänä eikä hän voinut kertoa ja esitellä meille kaikkia Leónin hienouksia. Hän antoi meille myös pienet lahjat kotiin vietäväksi, ja lehtikuvaaja otti meistä kaikista vielä ryhmäkuvan.
Tämän jälkeen meidät päästettiin taas vapaaksi - ah runsaat kaksi tuntia vielä shoppailua<3>
Wednesday – last day
Wednesday morning was quite busy because I noticed that I had slept too long and had only half an hour to get ready for school! However, we made it, and already during the way to school I started feeling a bit sad. This would really be the last morning to swerve round the cows and see all the lovely scenery during my 15 km trip to school. At school we were supposed to have time for our own homework, but I and Marianne were asked to join the English lesson of a class of 13-year-old pupils to tell them about Finland. And those small pupils were absolutely sweet! I will really miss this school!
Next we had our Spanish lesson where we even got some souvenirs from our teachers Miguel and Pedro.
After the Spanish lesson we had a group meeting with the Spanish Comenius students. There we thanked each other for different things like having the most wonderful smile etc. We also got certificates of attendance. Having received my certificate I asked myself: is this it, do we really have to go so soon?
Then we had about an hour for ourselves and I, Marianne, Jouko and Susanna headed for the gift shops to buy some last souvenirs. I have to admit that we spent some money on other things as well! How on earth could I squeeze everything in my suitcase?! We also went to a café next to our school, where we had spent so many breaks, to have our last mint ice creams.
Then it was time for a visit at the town hall where we were received by the representative of information technology and culture. He was very sorry that it was already our last day in León and thus he was unable to tell us about all the fine things you can find in the town. He also gave us some gifts and finally a group photo was taken.
After that we had some free time – ah, a bit more than two hours of shopping<3>
When I got home I had a huge job to do; all my things were all but neatly organised and I think doubled too! How could I manage? However, first we had a good meal prepared by my host mother. How can I ever survive in Finland without this food?! I also got a nice gift from the family to remind me of them and the time I spent in Spain. After that Pablo told me that he had to do some revising for an exam and that I was free to do whatever I wanted. We were supposed to go back to León at six and then I could choose what I wanted to do. So I bravely tackled my suitcase as I had only three hours to get everything sorted. Surprise, surprise, I managed to do it! However, I had to leave behind some less important things like shampoo and towels. And yes, I had to sit on the suitcase before I got it closed:D Then I got struck by the fear of excess weight, but hey, we only live once! If I have to pay something so be it. After packing I went around the house and took a lot of pictures both in and out, not to forget the neighbour’s cows that have given me pleasure every day:D I also took pictures of my family who I’m going to miss so much; they are such nice and lovely people <3>
Finally we headed for León and met Susanna, Marianne and Pedro in town and bought all kinds of things we might need on our way back to Finland. At eight o’clock we took a bus to go to Pedro’s house where we had a small dinner and said goodbye to the family there. We had agreed with all the others to meet each other at half past eleven to talk about everything just before our departure. So we headed for a pub where we were chatting and taking the final pictures. Everybody tried to be happy and tell funny stories but many burst into tears when we started talking about us going away.
By one o’clock at night we gathered together at the street corner where the bus was supposed to pick us. All the parents were there with our luggage and some sandwiches. We said goodbye and hugged each other at least a thousand times and nobody wanted to leave. That’s why we were happy when the bus didn’t arrive on time – maybe the driver had forgotten us and we wouldn’t have to go! When one of the teachers called the driver it turned out that he really had misunderstood the date of the departure and was in bed at the moment. He promised to leave immediately, though. When the bus finally arrived and was loaded our Spanish friends didn’t let us go: we exchanged endless hugs and kisses with everybody. At last, one hour later than planned, we were on the bus and starting our tiring journey back to Finland.
This trip to Spain is something that we’ll never forget. Everything was so different than in Finland but I fell in love with the country and its people! I can’t wait to get back to Spain and León!