Koulussa osallistuimme vielä tunnille, jossa keskusteltiin kansalaisuudesta ja puutyötunnille, jossa saimme erilaisia laitteita kokeiltavaksi ja päänvaivaa, kun yritimme koota palapelejä.

Lounaan jälkeen suuntasimme pieneen ostoskeskukseen. Emme löytäneet mitään, joten vietimme aikaa eräässä kahvilassa, jonka henkilökunnalla oli kaikilla puku päällä. Oli kuin olisimme olleet hienossa ravintolassa. Nautimme auringosta, kunnes menimme kotiin valmistautumaan Espanjan yöelämää varten.
Terveisin Serafiina
Friday – school day
The morning was all routine preparing for a regular school day. The first lesson was about drama. I’m sure it was the first time ever for most of us when we had to imagine that we were balloons!
After the relaxing and refreshing drama lesson we had time to do our own homework. We also had an extra free hour as our Spanish lesson was cancelled. I spent it walking around the town and buying postcards.
Later in school we took part in a lesson of philosophy where we discussed citizenship, and a lesson of woodworks where we could try to solve different puzzles.
It was a very hot day, about +26 C in the sun. So it was wonderful to be outdoors. I think that some of us burnt their shoulders and cheeks in the schoolyard!
After lunch we headed for a small mall. As we didn’t find anything interesting there we spent some time in a cafe where the staff was wearing suits. It was as if we had been in a fancy restaurant. We enjoyed the sun until we went home to prepare ourselves for Spanish night life.
We met the others at a street corner at nine and went to eat together. When we came out into the streets we were all together for a while but then we got into smaller groups and went our separate ways. We visited different clubs and danced there. It was a warm evening and you hardly needed any jacket. When the evening turned into night everybody went home to sleep one after the other. We had fun but our feet got tired and it was good to have some sleep before the early start the following morning.
During this first week in Spain I have got to know both Spanish culture and my host better. Even if we are very different, we have got along quite well. Neither of us makes the decisions alone, just like in Finland. Of course it’s different to be in her territory and I have to be more flexible and do things I might not like to do. Sometimes I feel a bit annoyed when my host rather wants to be with her own friends than the Comenius group. However, it was nice to notice that she, too, is willing to be flexible and that we spent the Friday evening together with the whole group. I haven’t felt lonely except maybe then when I’m the only Finn in a group where nobody else speaks English. Anyway, even then I’m not let outside but taken into consideration. So the easiest way to get along with your host is to be ready to make compromises and be flexible. All in all, I’ve been doing great and it’s been fun!
Greetings from Serafiina
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